Perry Lane's Lending Library
Enjoy borrowing books at our Savannah hotel
The best place to find a good read just steps from your hotel room is in the Perry Lane Hotel library. Sit, relax and read in our cozy library, or sign out a book and use it while you are our guest. Perry Lane Hotel has partnered with E Shavers Bookseller and The Book Lady to offer a wide variety of adult and children’s books, including books about art and cooking, the history of Savannah, and new fiction and non-fiction. If you find a book you love and want to take it home, just walk over to E Shavers Booksellers or The Book Lady and you can purchase it there. Don’t miss The Tea Room at E Shavers while you are there, which is another cozy place to relax, read and enjoy a wide variety of hand crafted teas. Our other favorite is the wonderful experience of The Book Lady. The intimate bookstore offers a broad range of gently used, rare and out-of-print books, as well as new editions.
E Shavers Bookseller The Book Lady
326 Bull Street 6 East Liberty Street